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GWC Vietnamese Student Association

15744 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Julie Nguyen Tel: (714) 837-0758

Louis Bru Tel: (714) 468-8648

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask us!

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The Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association internship helps students to commit themselves into the Vietnamese community by learning about leadership skills, interacting with other group of VSA, and exploring more in depth Vietnamese culture. Indeed, interns will be able to discover how the Vietnamese community has grown over time, as well as the consequences that has affected us culturally, economically, educationally, and socially. In addition, becoming an intern also teaches general skills that are useful for the everyday life depending on the position one is interning under. As an intern, you will improve your leadership skill by building a social network, collaborating, or interacting with board members, interns, and regular members from other VSA.


Interns are expected to stay until the end of the Spring semester when the new board is elected. Commitment is required to maintain the status of intern within GWC VSA. Interns are also required to assist to internal GWC VSA meetings in order to know in advance what is going on in the VSA community. Moreover, they are expected to fulfill the requirements and be responsible for their duties.

© 2013 BY LouisFr





Find us and hang out with us at the student center every day except Friday as long as we have class or when we are around school.

Julie Nguyen Tel: (714) 837-0758

Louis Bru Tel: (714) 468-8648
Email address:

Mailing address: 15744 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA,92647

Come to our meeting every Friday from 1PM to 3PM at Math/Sciences Building Room 228.

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