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         About Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association


Mission Statement


          The Vietnamese Student Association of Golden West College seeks to promote awareness of the Vietnamese culture. it also provides a forum to serve and learn about the Vietnamese community as well as increasing the understanding of Vietnamese culture. The association promotes cultural events, volunteering on campus, and within the community as well as social activities. Moreover, Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association welcomes anyone who is interested in learning about Vietnamese culture, expanding their social network, and upholding responsibility regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, creed, or religion.

          About 30 years ago, the Vietnamese Student Association of Golden West College was established in order to unite the Vietnamese students at school. As the time passed by, the association became a way to promote Vietnamese culture to younger generation as the older generation integrated the American society. Unfortunately, in the beginning of the 21st century, Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association was dismissed due to the growing of VSA from schools with greater funding.


          However, in 2009, Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association was reestablished by Christy Nguyen who also became president. Her purpose was to provide awareness of the Vietnamese culture and a forum to learn about the Vietnamese community. She wanted the association to exist in order to increase cultural understanding through a diverse club membership, offering educational, and cultural events for the campus and community.


 Our History

          Today, the Vietnamese Student Association of Golden West College is still following the ideas of Christy Nguyen that has been passed down from presidents to presidents. We continue to promote Vietnamese culture to upcoming generation as well as providing a forum to learn about the Vietnamese community. We still promote cultural events, community services on campus or outside campus, and social activities. However, even though we have conserved our ideas and roots since the reestablishment of Golden West College Vietnamese Student Association, we have now improved our social network to touch more people. Indeed, Vietnamese culture is a wonderful culture rich in variety and diversity; it would be a regrettable not to let students explore Vietnamese culture. That is the reason why we welcome anyone who is interested in learning about Vietnamese culture, improving social network, and being responsible regardless of race.

© 2013 BY LouisFr





Find us and hang out with us at the student center every day except Friday as long as we have class or when we are around school.

Julie Nguyen Tel: (714) 837-0758

Louis Bru Tel: (714) 468-8648
Email address:

Mailing address: 15744 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA,92647

Come to our meeting every Friday from 1PM to 3PM at Math/Sciences Building Room 228.

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